About Us

Scott Levine, CPA, is a business professional with over 20 years’ experience in accounting, taxation, and project management. Scott has worked as a cost accounting consultant, corporate controller, financial systems analyst, project manager, and tax technology director. He holds an undergraduate degree in Economics from Georgia Tech and an MBA, a Master of Professional Accountancy, and a Master of Taxation degree from Georgia State. When he’s not in school, Scott enjoys martial arts, running, and movies.

Cara Craddock, CPA, holds a B.B.A. in Accounting and a Master’s Degree of Professional Accountancy from the Georgia State University. Cara has worked at Price Waterhouse Coopers and Georgia Pacific.

Merlin Tolstyk, CFA, is a finance professional with a diverse background and extensive experience in many facets of finance, including managing a portfolio of global equities, deal structuring, M&A, and valuations. His core skills include fundamental company, competitor, industry and quantitative research; risk management; and portfolio construction. He is a CFA charter holder with an MBA degree. Merlin is also interested in martial arts, scuba diving, and fencing.

Alden Mahler Levine is the Intown Financial Services webmaster. After trying out a career in journalism, Alden is now an administrative assistant at The Carter Center. She holds an undergraduate degree from Carleton College and a Masters of International Relations from Emory University. Alden is also a docent at Zoo Atlanta.

Please browse our website for more information and use our contact form if you have any questions!